If Michael Moore Had a Good Twin: A Review of Gary McHale’s Victory In The No-Go Zone


“Victory In The No-Go Zone is an astounding book.”

Janice Fiamengo, a University of Ottawa English professor who is also the editor of the Freedom Press Canada Journal, has written an in-depth review of Gary McHale’s upcoming book, Victory In The No-Go Zone: Winning The Fight Against Two-Tier Policing. The concluding paragraph reads:

Janice FiamengoVictory in the No-Go Zone is an astounding book. The accumulated evidence of police corruption and of the triumph of victim ideology over effective or just law enforcement is often staggering. One can hardly believe this is Canada. McHale tells the story with just the right mix of anger, insouciance, and righteous passion. He is brilliant in his analysis, a la Martin Luther King Jr., of the inverse logic that tars men as racist bigots when they call for equal treatment, and blames innocent citizens for “inciting” violence through peaceful demonstrations. His character as a man of God, and as someone who has thought through his own principles and convictions and believes in himself whatever the whole world tells him, colours every page and makes his book an inspiring document of perseverance and integrity. It should be read by all concerned Canadians, not only as a civic duty but also as a warning and a preparation for what we may all face in the future.

1. You can read the entire review here:

2. You can pre-order a signed copy of Victory In The No-Go Zone here.

3. You can get a free signed copy of Victory In The No-Go Zone by attending the 2013 Freedom Symposium at the Old Mill Inn, Toronto where the book will be launched. $75, lunch included. VoiceofCanada editor Mark Vandermaas will be speaking as well as Gary McHale and other authors/thinkers.

Mark Vandermaas, Editor

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