91% of TorStar story readers shoot down Liberal insults aimed at Caledonia Militia

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UPDATED 1924 EST June 19/09: Canada Free Press, June 15/09: Politicized policing, incites call for citizen militias

UPDATED 1529 EST June 19/09: Added LARGE TYPE PDF version of Star story & reader’s comments.

In ‘Proof positive native extremists have lost PR battle’ I laid out the evidence to show how native extremists have lost the support of  the media and – just as importantly – their own communities.

Yesterday’s reaction by readers to a Toronto Star story regarding Doug Fleming’s Caledonia Militia idea shows just how much the public is fed up with the lawbreakers AND the McGuinty government.

After reading the story in which the Premier, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Brad Duguid and Community Safety & Correctional Services Minister Rick Bartolucci called the milita idea “unhelpful;” “dumb” and “shameful” 85 comments were left. Result: 77 positive comments for the militia, Fleming, and Caledonia. 5 negative comments. 3 neutral.

In other words, despite the scathing criticisms by three Liberal ministers 91% of readers who read their words – published by one of the biggest, most liberal newspapers in Canada – think the following:

1. McGuinty’s ministers are a bunch of twits;

2. They’re not buying justifications or tolerance of landclaim lawlessness anymore, and

3. They think the Caledonia Militia is a great idea. If you count the neutral comments, it means 94% of readers were either positive or neutral regarding the militia.

It must have been a tremendous blow to their egos to find out that they were wrong – that the public sees the Caledonia Militia as a legitimate reaction to their interference in policing.

BTW, the TorStar story had a link to the Hamilton Spec’s ‘let’s rewrite history’ story as discussed in my last post, ‘More BS in Caledonia: Spectator helps smokeshacker spread it thick & wide.’  This makes the positive number of comments even more impressive!

CHTV coverage – positively inspired!

1 bCHTV had some positively brilliant coverage featuring Doug Fleming. In an interview by Donna Skelly and Lawrence Diskin, Doug’s common sense and understanding of history shone forth while Skelly firmly announced that she supported Doug 100%. 

When Diskin disagreed Skelly asked him a question to which he had no answer: “What would YOU do?”

It doesn’t get much clearer than this, folks: McGuinty and the native extremists he loves so very much have lost the battle for the hearts and minds of the public, and are now seen as the villains in the eyes of Ontario for victimizing Caledonians.

(Whewww! It’s been a tough struggle, but it sure was worth it!)

McGuinty gov’t repeatedly failed to investigate complaints vs. Fantino

The Liberal insults are more than a little disingenuous considering that Bartolucci and his predecessor Monte Kwinter have refused to investigate serious complaints against Julian Fantino for his role in…

  • Enforcing racial policing;
  • Interfering with the investigation into the violence that erupted when smokeshackers assaulted peaceful non-native protesters and police on Dec 01/07;
  • Threatening elected officials;
  • Smearing the reputations of non-native activists with false allegations. 

You can read the whole sick history and see actual documents showing how Dalton’s boys ignored the complaints and evidence out of Caledonia and covered Fantino’s ass since Day 1 at this link:

Politically-correct racism behind attempts to bury the truth

It is interesting to note that two cabinet Ministers and the Premier saw nothing wrong in openly attacking a non-native activist who clearly intends to act within the law in order to defend the rights of the victims their government has ignored, but I am not aware of a single instance where a minister has publicly criticized native groups during the reign of terror they foisted on Caledonia, or Hagersville, or Cayuga, or Brantford, etc.

It isn’t the first time a  McGuinty minister has publicly attacked non-native activists for merely exercising their rights. On April 07/08, former Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant publicly insulted me regarding my complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Complaint, implying that I, as a non-native, had no right to complain about alleged human rights violations by Fantino and the OPP.

Not only has the McGuinty government insulted non-native activists, Fantino has a nasty, well-documented history of making wild accusations against us. In sharp contrast to his treatment of us however, he testified at McHale’s trial that he has never made derogatory remarks about native protesters in public – despite their extreme lawlessness. He also testified he has never met with non-native protesters as he has with natives.

 Given the volumes of evidence for the terrible costs of racial policing on innocent people that were made available to them that they simply pretended didn’t exist, it is simply beyond the pale for McGuinty and crew to pretend that everything in Caledonia was, is or will be ‘just fine’ if non-native activists stopped being so “unhelpful.” 

Subverting justice, OPP and AG working together

The conduct of the AG’s lawyers has been nothing short of reprehensible in enforcing and perpetuating government/OPP policies of racial policing.  They have ensured that non-natives are prosecuted for offences like suggesting a road be blocked while natives escape charges for assaulting police and days-long highway blockades. Serious charges are dropped for natives and one who attacked police even got a character reference from Fantino to aid him in his sentencing for leading the assault that sent Gary McHale to hospital on Dec 01/07.

Some of these issues are before the Court now thanks to Gary McHale. In one case the Crown is trying to prevent the laying of charges against 3 senior government officials by arguing McHale doesn’t even have the right to present the evidence to a court! That’s because the Crown knows that the JP is required to issue process if there is some evidence to support each required element of the charge – all thanks to Parkinson v.R., a landmark ruling brought about by two CANACE founders, Jeff Parkinson & Gary McHale.

One day Canada will know the extraordinary lengths that a small group of people went to in order to seek justice in and outside the courts for innocent victims of native extremism. And they will also know the extraordinary lengths the Ontario government went to in order to try to suppress the truth and stop officials from being held accountable.

These articles by Gary McHale give just a taste of how justice is being subverted by the AG and the OPP:

Instead of investigating the outrageous conduct exposed by our complaints, the Ontario government has gone out of its way to bury the evidence and paint those of us who did complain as being ‘vexatious’ or ‘frivolous’ for filing our (well-documented) complaints. Can anyone believe that such sleazy accusations and wilful blindness would have been turned towards native complainants?

Indeed, the politically-correct racism that birthed  racial policing was on display for all to see in the comments by McGuinty, Duguid and Bartolucci. I guess they don’t have much choice but to keep up the attacks on non-natives; the alternative – admitting they covered up the truth – is just not an option.

And, finally, let’s not forget the biggest fraud of all by McGuinty & Co. – using the recommendations from an Inquiry that never studied the issue of lawlessness against residents during land claim disputes as justification for telling non-natives to be patient while they are victimized during a land claim dispute.

Two years ago members of Ontario’s PC Party and the NDP were provided with all the evidence they needed to expose the Liberal con-job of using the Ipperwash Inquiry as justification for allowing race-based policing to continue, but have done nothing with it. For shame.

Yes, let’s move forward!

Bartolucci says “Caledonia residents want to move forward.” For three years we have been moving forward down an evil road that can only lead to a dark hole. How about we stop the car, turn around and ‘move backwards’ instead – down the ‘rule of law’ road where the rights all citizens are respected without regards to race?  

Now THAT would be ‘helpful.’

P.S. A major media outlet has asked us to provide some of our extensive collection of court documents to them. Truth always rises to the top.

P.P.S. To McGuinty, Bartolucci and Duguid – we’re ready to talk when you are. Call me anytime, day or night: 519.457.0709.

Mark Vandermaas, Editor
Co-founder, Canadian Advocates for Charter Equality

3 responses to “91% of TorStar story readers shoot down Liberal insults aimed at Caledonia Militia

  1. VoC note: Mary-Lou’s comment was submitted to the previous post, but I moved it to this story where it is more applicable.
    I believe the tide is definitely turning.

    Having read the article about the Caledonia Militia and the comments from Rick Bartolucci and Brad Duquid, I was impressed with the level of support from the public in declaring that the government of Ontario and the OPP are collectively NOT doing the job to keep Ontario safe.

    Mr. Duquid still insists it is a Federal Issue to negotiate and settle the land claims.

    The Land Registry is not being re-negotiated.

    The duties of the OPP under the Police Act are not being re-negotiated.

    Both are under the auspices of the Ontario Government.

    Stop passing the buck you too idiots and get the job done. Caledonia is divided already due to you slackers and the militia could not possibly create a bigger wedge in the populance than you and your peers have already allowed.

    Mary Lou

    VoC REPLY: Hi ML, At the time you sent your comment, I hadn’t read the story, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover such overwhelming support for Caledonia in the face of the McGuinty gov’t insults. I sense that good things are going to be washing ashore. Regards, Mark

  2. This is great news Mark! I read all 85 comments on the Toronto Star’s site last night and I couldn’t believe these comments coming from, as you said, a clearly Liberal paper. People are starting to understand what is actually happening in Caledonia now and grasping the ramifications of it if it is left to spread. I would like to reiterate something I read on a blog last night. “Doug for mayor!!!” I agree 100%

    VoC REPLY: Hi Larry, good to hear from you. It’s been a very long, exhausting struggle to turn around public opinion, and I think we have to give Gary so much credit for that. Without him it never would have happened.

    As for Doug – what can you say about Doug Fleming? The guy is my absolute hero. The guy is so classy, so well-read, so committed, so utterly fearless, etc. and he has done what few are willing to do: he has paid a price to stand up for his community just as Merlyn has. And, he was willing to work with anyone who was trying to help. In his mind the cause was more important than petty gripes and grievances. Doug may be short in stature, but his heart and brain are huge.

    I hope people name streets in Caledonia after Merlyn and Doug one day. They deserve it. If Doug or Merlyn run for mayor/councillor I guess I’d have to move to Caledonia just so I can vote for them!

    And let’s not forget Larry Dicy who spoke out under his own name to stand with us when it sure as hell wasn’t popular. I bet you’ve lost the odd ‘friend’ along the way because of it. I’m sure you know I’ve got one of your comments on the front page of VoC where it will stay forever. It came at an important time when we needed all the morale boosts we could get. Thanks for that.

    Just found out that the OPP has confirmed with Merlyn they’re going to allow us to march down Argyle on Saturday. As readers may caution, let’s not get too excited but, hey, this is a big deal and I’m going to enjoy it.

    Hope to see you there!

    Thanks for writing. Mark

  3. The small clutch of culprits who are behind most of the lawlessness in Caledonia should read the comments on that Star article. That’s spontaneous public feedback ladies. It is also full throttle public backlash. Patience with your extremist methods has ended and the inevitable political pushback is beginning.

    Your war against the innocent people of Caledonia (your neighbors) has put your PR in the flusher. Act accordingly, apologize, and mend bridges you (literally) burned in a lawless frenzy. But I doubt your current leadership have the wisdom to make amends for the lawless run of terror. That unyielding belligerence will ultimately seal the fate of your ambitions.