Audio recordings reveal OPP hid DCE dangers from public

UPDATE 1603 EST Oct 21/08: Smoke shack shooter who shot man after threatening woman and child on DCE had 43 previous firearm-related convictions, sentenced to 4.5 years. See Hamilton Spectator, Oct 21/08: Shack shooter gets 4 1/2 years [PDF] [REPRINT].  

UPDATE –  Sept 10/07: A new website unconnected with VoC/CWUC has posted excerpts of the audio tapes that are the subject of this article. See Audio recordings reveal OPP hid DCE dangers from public – Part 2. See also, ‘DCE tapes finally revealed‘ by Jeff Parkinson.

UPDATE 1017 EST May 18/07: We have received an unconfirmed report suggesting that yesterday’s shooting incident originally began with an argument on the Six Nations Reserve following which the gunman went to the occupied Douglas Creek Estates where he threatened a woman and child with a rifle before moving on to the smoke shop on Highway 6 where the victim was shot. 

police-direct-traffic2.jpg2inch_voc_logo-url.jpgIn light of today’s shooting incident in Caledonia during which – contrary to the impression given by the official OPP news release – the occupied Douglas Creek Estates played a key role, it is time the public knew how dangerous the native occupiers are, and how the OPP has been keeping that knowledge from the public.

fantino.jpg“It’s stabilized. We find that things are much more peaceful,” said Fantino. “As far as the whole business of law and order and peaceful coexistence, that has been stabilized.”

OPP Commissioner Fantino

London Free Press, Jorge Barrera, March 17, 2007: Little trust, no patience [PDF

If the commissioner of the OPP is to be believed, all is well in Caledonia. Unfortunately, the commissioner cannot be believed because he and his subordinates have known or ought to have known all along that the criminals on the Douglas Creek Estates present a very real danger to the public. How much of a danger?

Natives plan to kill OPP officers and residents 

shotgun_barrel.jpgWe have received recent audio recordings of OPP and DCE radio traffic that show just how dangerous and demented some of the occupiers are:

  • Natives authorize the killing of OPP officers.
  • Natives talk of killing residents.
  • Natives interfere with a police chase.
  • Natives interfere with ambulance routing.
  • Natives give orders to OPP re routing, and OPP obey those orders.
  • Natives swarm OPP officers trying to conduct an investigation.

UPDATE: We discovered while doing a google search that someone has posted excerpts from the recordings on this site:

Our attempts to make the recordings public 

We were planning to release these recordings at our April 17/07 FantinoGate news conference at Queen’s Park. Unfortunately, however, we were forced to explain to the media present that we risked fines of up to $25,000 were we to do so.

We have meetings scheduled later this month with representatives of the Ministry of Community Safety & Corrections regarding our current complaints against Commissioner Fantino. Our intent is to submit the recordings in support of an additional complaint against the commissioner for failing to disclose the dangers to the public.

The ‘Jane Doe’ case

In 1986 a woman named ‘Jane Doe’ was raped and later sued the Toronto Police for failing to warn the public that a serial rapist was operating in the neighbourhood. She was awarded $220,000 after successfully arguing that had police issued a warning she could have taken security precautions. Here is an excerpt from Justice Jean MacFarland’s ruling as quoted by the Ontario Women’s Justice Network:

“Here police were aware of specific threats or risks to a specific group of women and they did nothing to warn those women of the danger they were in, nor did they take any measures to protect them.

“[They made the] very serious decision not to warn these women of the risk they faced. This they did in the face of the almost certain knowledge that the rapist would attack again and cause irreparable harm to his victim. In my view, their decision in this respect was irresponsible and grossly negligent.”

Today’s shooter could just have easily turned his gun on the homes of nearby residents, residents who have been told that everything is under control, that there is no danger. Today, we got a hard lesson that none of this is true. The OPP knew of the danger, yet failed to warn the public.

Unfortunately, hiding the dangers posed by violent native criminals is nothing new for the OPP. The Ipperwash Papers reveal they went out of their way to deny or downplay reports of gunfire coming from the illegally occupied former Ipperwash Army base as did the Chief Counsel for the Ipperwash Inquiry during a 90 minute ‘Community Consultation meeting on June 21/06.

OPP lies continue unabated

police-direct-traffic.jpgEven today, the OPP continues to lie by omission.  We have been contacted by witnesses who saw a man on the Douglas Creek Estates with a rifle yelling at a woman holding a child, and saying, “I will fucking kill you right here!” One witness went to tell the OPP who, instead of dealing with the situation, called Six Nations Police. In the meantime the man left DCE and shot his victim at a smokeshop on Highway 6.  

In spite of the dramatic incident on the Douglas Creek Estates the OPP’s official media release didn’t mention DCE once. 

OPP deliberately mislead public with attacks on ‘outsiders’

Not only did the OPP fail to warn the public of the dangers posed by the maniacs on the Douglas Creek Estates, they compounded their negligence when they launched malicious attacks on ‘outsiders’ in an attempt to divert attention and criticism away from their racially driven policing practices.  I often wondered why the OPP felt so driven to discredit us, what they were trying to hide. Now we know. 


As recently as yesterday we were in contact with the editor of a major news outlet who expressed an interest in receiving copies of the OPP/DCE audio recordings. 

We will be proceeding with our complaint to the Solicitor General so he can never say he ‘didn’t know.’ Hopefully, a resident or residents of Caledonia will be also interested in filing complaints of their own against the OPP who have endangered their safety by failing to inform, and by failing to respond to the original incident.

We would also like to assist the wounded native man with filing a complaint with the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services if he wishes to do so.

How many more lies will the OPP have to tell before the Solicitor General orders this force disbanded or reformed from top to bottom?

How many more people will have to die or be injured before an end to Two Tier Justice is legislated through limits on ‘police discretion?’

How many more?


Mark Vandermaas, Editor

7 responses to “Audio recordings reveal OPP hid DCE dangers from public

  1. Mary-Lou LaPratte

    Dear Mark,
    I had so hoped that by you and Gary keeping the incidents out in the open, that things would simmer down in Caledonia. Unfortunately the situation is now playing out like a rewound tape in what we went through at Ipperwash. The only difference is that we actually had deaths, and this did not change policing in any way beneficial to the non-native community. It should not make a difference to police whether this event is related or unrelated to the occupation of the DCE. The only relevent point is that it did start there and should have been ended right away.

    How many times did OPP sanitze reports at Ipperwash??? How many times were we told that an unimpeded bullet even from a 22 could travel two kilometres??? How many times were we told to simply hit the floor when gunfire erupted and don’t go outside or near windows???? How many times were we told that OPP would respond in a life threatening situation and they did not??? You are just finding out , like the residents of Caledonia just what exactly is the truth about OPP operations in native land disputes.

    The innocent victim at the Smoke Shop did not deserve what happened to him due to OPP inaction. The children at the school do not deserve an unsafe environment. This is not just taxation without representation. This is a government turning its back on innocent residents of this Province and to my way of thinking breaking the Law to the maximum willingly. Death doesn’t change the policies in place. What on earth will????

    VoC REPLY: Hi Mary-Lou! Intelligent resistance will change the policies. Resistance via the media. Resistance via non-violent protests. Resistance via OCCPS. Resistance via political pressure. It may seem that things are getting worse, but the issue is now in the open and is being actively debated in the mainstream media, something that never happened in connection with Ipperwash. Militant chiefs are already backing away from their silly statements. Politicians are creating Rule of Law planks in their election platforms. CN Rail is aggressively shutting down the ‘train sabotage’ video and filing lawsuits against those who block their rail lines. Complaints against the OPP and the Commissioner are in progress. Lawsuits against the OPP, OPPA and provincial government are in progress. We are striking them aggressively using peaceful, lawful methods that have never been used before, and we are winning. Regards, Mark

  2. Some real web-journalism happening in here.
    VoC REPLY: Thanks for the compliment from a fellow ‘WordPress-er,’ Allan. Regards, Mark

  3. Another example of great footwork and research on the ground. Keep up the awesome work! The truth can’t be ignored forever.

    VoC REPLY: Thanks for the compliment Roby. Your ongoing support is much appreciated. Regards, Mark

  4. Lisa Parent

    Mark you and Gary are providing a valuable service to the public not just in Caledonia but across the country.
    Incidents like the one with the gun are a very real danger to residents in Caledonia. What most people don’t realize is that the occupied site is adjacent to homes along Thistlemoor and Braemar.
    The day of the confrontation on DCE a Caledonia resident on Thistlemoor was in their back yard where there is no fence. There was a very real possibility that the native with the rifle could easily have turned and fired at the resident for just being there and witnessing the event.
    This has to stop before someone is actually killed.
    It would be a shame if a resident through no fault of their own is killed because the OPP will not do their job and because the Provincial Government who owns the land continues to allow criminals to occupy a piece of land within a normally peaceful town with access to residents in their homes.

    If your readers are not disgusted by this situation they should be. How would your readers like to have armed thugs occupying land adjacent to their properties and a police force that has demonstrated time and again that they will stand by and allow them to be assaulted.

    Keep the reporting coming as it is an ufolding story for future history books.

    VoC REPLY: Thanks for writing Lisa. Through our Police Act complaints to OCCPS and to the Solicitor General, we are putting the government on notice that they will never be able to say “We didn’t know.” In fact, Gary delivered this very message, in the strongest possible terms, yesterday to the lawyers responsible for investigating our complaints against Commissioner Fantino. He told them (among other things) that we would be submitting more complaints, including one regarding the audio tapes. Once submitted, if any innocent person in Caledonia is EVER injured by the DCE criminals, we will make our evidence and complaints available to the victim(s) should they wish to sue the government for the OPP’s refusal to warn the public as per ‘Jane Doe’ and for failing to enforce the law. In other words, Monte Kwinter must now decide if he and his government is prepared to accept the liability that Fantino has brought upon them. We’ll see.

    Merlyn Kinrade and I also have meetings coming up with the Ministry of Community Safety & Corrections. The meetings will take place in Caledonia, dates to be confirmed.

    Thank you for all you do and for speaking out so strongly on behalf of Caledonians. We ARE living through an important bit of history, aren’t we? We have a responsibility to make sure that Canada chooses the right road at this most important of crossroads, and to – as you say – document the struggle so that others may learn from it in the future.

    Thanks again, Mark

  5. Michael Laforme

    I have an opinion about the actions of the O.P.P. in the Caledonia events, First everyone is of the opinion that the O.P.P. work under a two tier justice system,now we all know this is not true I have watched and worked with the O.P.P. for many many years,and have never come across an officer who would put his creditablity in question,much less the ability of the force to do a proper job.
    Now concerning the shooting insident officers working at the Douglas Creek Estates were likely assigned to work at that site and only at that site not running to the local Reserve which by the way have a very effective police service to serve that community I take it that some had pasted since this person with the gun had been at the Douglas Creek Estates and the time of the shooting,I find it hard to believe that the O.P.P. did not notify the Reserves Officers of the events that had taken place and that the Reserve officers were not already on thier way to the scene
    These events could have been staged to daw the officers away from their assigned area leaving the site for something worse to happen.
    Further lets not forget the Dudley George insident where the police were drawn into a gun fight and like it or not as far as I’m concerned the natives have never proven that they were not in posession of any firearms,these officers were all veterens of the force and no one alive can tell me that they could not tell the differnce from a gun shot and a school bus backfire.
    So don’t tell me the Police acted improperly they did exactly as the should have.

    VoC REPLY: I agree with your thoughts on the shooting of Dudley George. During my research for the Ipperwash Papers project I took a statement from a witness who saw natives raking the ground afterwards at the unsecured shooting scene (because the OPP ran away and abandoned the residents for weeks) and picking objects out of the sand.

    For more info and links to supporting evidence about Ipperwash – including on how the OPP abandoned residents – please see our Regional News series, ‘McGuinty’s Ipperwash Cover-up.’

    As for the rest, sorry, but I’ve seen the evidence and experienced racial policing myself, and I’ve done the research to know there’s nothing remotely legal about it. The reason it bothers me so much is that I like police officers, but I don’t believe they should be following illegal orders.

    Here’s some stuff if you’re interested:

    EXPOSED: How the McGuinty gov’t refused to investigate criminal allegations against Fantino (see part 1 especially)

    The Human Costs of Illegal Occupations

    Legalized MYTHS of Illegal Occupations

    Human Rights complaint forces Fantino to tell truth (PART 1)

    OPP tell CANACE: Land Title deeds do NOT prove ownership

  6. Pingback: ‘HELPLESS’ – Christie Blatchford’s Caledonia book ready for pre-order | Caledonia Victims Project

  7. Pingback: ‘Where are the Christians?’ A Donkey’s Search for God and Justice in Caledonia | Caledonia Victims Project